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Change continues to be a constant for Adelaide Writers' Week in 2023! We apologise for the inconvenience these changes may cause to our punters and thank you for understanding.

If you have the printed guide in your hands, please note the following sessions have been affected. As always, we suggest checking our online schedule for the most accurate information.

We will do our best to keep this page updated with any changes that may occur: before heading to the Garden on the day, make sure you check the website for any schedule or line-up changes. This page does not detail changes to session chairs.

Thursday 9 March

The Eminence Grise of Arab Literary Culture with Ahdaf Soueif was originally scheduled on Tuesday 7 March, 5pm on the North Stage. It has been moved to Thursday 9 March, 9.30am on the North Stage.

Cold War, Hot Culture with Louis Menand has changed stage and time. This session was originally scheduled to be on the East Stage at 12pm. It has been moved to the West Stage at 2.30pm.

The Survivor's Humour with Sayed Kashua has changed stage and time. This session was originally scheduled to be on the West Stage at 2.30pm. It has been moved to the East Stage at 12pm.

Moved, withdrawn + Added
Sovereignty and Solidarity has changed time. It was originally scheduled on Thursday 9 March, 9.30am on the North Stage. It has been moved to Thursday 9 March, 12pm on the North Stage. Ali Gumillya Baker has withdrawn from this session. Karen Wyld has been added to the session.


Earlier sessions

saturday 4 March

Unfortunately, Adania Shibli has withdrawn from the program. Her Saturday 4 March, 2:30pm session with Gail Jones will no longer go ahead. Gail Jones will be part of a new session detailed below.

Unfortunately, Katharine Murphy and Margaret Simons have withdrawn from History's Rough Draft on Saturday 4 March, 1.15pm on the East Stage.

Withdrawn + lineup change
Unfortunately, Megan Davis has withdrawn from the program. The session Open Your Hearts Australia on Saturday 4 March, 2.30pm on the East Stage, will go ahead with a new lineup: Natalie Ahmat and Jodan Perry will now join chair Jack Latimore.

Novel Worlds with Gail Jones and Brigitta Olubas will be held on Saturday 4 March, 2.30pm on the West Stage. This session replaces the cancelled session detailed above.

Amy McQuire's Kids' Day session at the Torrens Tent on Saturday 4 March, 12pm, will not be going ahead. Story Trove will run a session at this time instead.

Sunday 5 March

new session
A new session, The Public Square, has been added on Sunday 5 March, 9.30am on the East Stage. The session will include Shalom Auslander, George Brandis, Sarah Ferguson, David Hare and Mark Scott (via video) and will be chaired by Bob CarrDavid Penberthy was originally planned for inclusion but has had to withdraw.

"The Magic of Shirley the Hazzard" with Brigitta Olubas has been moved from the East Stage to the North Stage. It will still be held at 9.30am on Sunday 5 March.

Joshua Cohen will now appear via live stream for An Account of a Minor and Ultimately Even Negligible Episode in the History of a Very Famous Family on Sunday 5 March, 12pm on the East Stage.

Sumeyya Ilanbey has been added to "We Gasp for Air Among People Who Believe They Are Absolutely Right" on Sunday 5 March, 1.15pm on the West Stage.

Unfortunately, Kateryna Babkina and Olesya Khromeychuk have withdrawn from the program and will no longer present Safe in an Unsafe World on Sunday 5 March, 9.30am on the North Stage.

Unfortunately, Adania Shibli has withdrawn from the program and will no longer present A Masterclass in the Craft of Storytelling on Sunday 5 March, 10.45am on the North Stage.

The Solace of Poetry with Sarah Holland-Batt has been moved from Sunday 5 March, 1.15pm on the North Stage. It will now be held on Sunday 5 March, 10.45am on the North Stage.

WITHDRAWN + Addition
Unfortunately, Steven Lindsay Ross has withdrawn from NANGAMAY MANA DJURALI (Dream, Gather, Grow) on Sunday 5 March, 2.30pm on the North Stage. Dominic Guerrera has been added to this session.

Unfortunately, Sarah Almutairi has withdrawn from Hear Me Roar! on Sunday 5 March, 3.45pm on the North Stage.

Monday 6 March

Joshua Cohen will now appear via live stream for Meet the Cohens on Monday 6 March, 1.15pm on the East Stage.

Sarah Holland-Batt will no longer appear in You Do the Dying, We Will Do the Rest on Monday 6 March, 1.15pm on the West Stage. Jill Hennessy has been added to this session.

Unfortunately, Katharine Murphy has withdrawn from Insiders on Monday 6 March, 6.30pm on the West Stage.

Unfortunately, Bob Brown has withdrawn from State-Sponsored Greenwash: Offsetting Us Up to Fail on Monday 6 March, 2.30pm on the North Stage.

Tuesday 7 March

The Tuesday 7 March, 2.30pm session with Sloane Crosley, Laura Kipnis and Diana Reid on the East Stage has a new title and description. It is now called Modern Relationships. Other session details remain the same.

Alison MacLeod will now appear via live stream for The Return of D.H. Lawrence on Tuesday 7 March, 5pm on the East Stage.

The Eminence Grise of Arab Literary Culture with Ahdaf Soueif was originally scheduled on Tuesday 7 March, 5pm on the North Stage. It has been moved to Thursday 9 March, 9.30am on the North Stage.

Wednesday 8 March

The Wednesday 8 March, 10.45am session with Sloane Crosley on the East Stage has a new title and description. It is now called Sloane Crosley: In Profile. Other session details remain the same.

Withdrawn + Addition
Unfortunately, Samantha Maiden and Michael Bradley have withdrawn from the Wednesday 8 March, 12pm session The Perils of Publishing on the East Stage. Eve Thomson has now been added to this session. 

Unfortunately, Dr Joëlle Gergis has withdrawn from the Wednesday 8 March, 12pm session The Terrible Truth About Climate Change on the West Stage.

Alison MacLeod will now appear via live stream for A Tender Lady Chatterley on Wednesday 8 March, 1.15pm on the East Stage.


If you have any doubts or questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch via email or DM on social media.

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